Contact Us

Need help? Our Homeowner Care team is here to answer your questions!

Homeowner Care:

(855) 202-0633 (Toll free)

Message us here if you are registered and can log in.

Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm ET and Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm ET

We accept calls through the federal Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS). To learn more, click here.

Third Party Requests:

Third Party requests require homeowner authorization to provide mortgage payoff quotes or verification of mortgage (VOM).

Click here to submit a third party payoff request.

Click here to submit a third party VOM request.


Qualified Written Requests

Qualified Written Requests are required to be submitted to the address listed below. When Integrity Home Mortgage Corporation is in receipt of a Qualified Written Request (as defined by RESPA), an acknowledgment notice is sent within five (5) business days and we will respond to you within thirty (30) business days of receipt of your written notice, unless otherwise defined by RESPA guidelines.

Integrity Home Mortgage Corporation

3138 E. Elwood St.

Phoenix, AZ 85034

Attn: Qualified Written Requests